Monday, February 21, 2022

Closet Space

CLOSET SPACE> =============> > Is your closet too crowded?> > Perhaps the single greatest indicator of the overload that we> have in life are closets.> > They are packed.> > It doesn't matter how big our closets are.> > Sooner or later we fill them up.> > Why?> > There is a closet rule of life that states:> > 1. Clothes expand to fill all available closet space> 2. Sooner or later if you keep getting more clothes> you either have to:> A. Get more closet space> B. Get rid of some clothes> > 2B is what we hate to do.> > But if we are TO BE what we are TO BE,> we need to learn the rule of 2B and get rid of some clothes.> > Time is like closet space. We have a limited amount of it.> > We keep putting more and more things in until our time is> cluttered.> > The more cluttered it gets, the more things are out of place.> > The time that we should be sleeping, we've got something else in> that space.> > The time that we should be spending with family, we've got> something else in that space.> > The time that we should have to ourselves to do whatever we do> to help our spirit, we've got something else in that space.> > Even as our closet hinges strain to keep from bursting, we still> try to put more stuff in.> > Take a look around your closet of time right now.> > How much has accumulated> that you should have gotten rid of long ago.> > They still may be good clothes, but your closet is just too full.> > We have habits that we formed in our teenage years> that should have long ago been removed from our closets.> > Some even have friends that should have long ago been removed,> for they no longer fit our style or destination.> > As you change and grow, you should change what's in your closet.> > Maybe we don't need more stuff in the closet.> > Maybe we don't need a bigger closet.> > Maybe we just need to clean out some stuff> and not with the purpose to make room for more stuff.> > We may just need some space,> > In a lot of areas,> > For a lot of reasons.> > There is a spiritual saying> that tells you to go into your closet to pray.> > For many of us, there's simply no room.> > Go look at your bedroom closet right now.> Chances are, it will reflect your closet of time.>
"The most important of life's battles is the one we fight daily in the silent chambers of the soul."

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