Sunday, June 09, 2024

The Empty Egg

Eight-year-old Steven was mentally retarded and had many> health problems. His health appeared to be growing worse ever> daily. His teacher was concerned his classmates might stop> identifying with him and loving him as they became more aware> of his differences.> > In April, the teacher asked the class to put together one> plastic Easter egg filled with a small object representing new> life in the Spring. Thinking Steven might not understand (and> not wanting to embarrass him), the teacher had each child> place their egg on her desk so that she could open each one> individually. She needn't have worried.> > The first egg contained a tiny wild flower, which truly was an> indication of new life.> > Next, came a rock and the teacher assumed the rock was> Steven's. Her reasoning was that rocks don't symbolize new> life and growth. But a little boy shouted from the back of the> room that the rock had moss on it, thereby showing new life.> The teacher agreed.> > A butterfly flew out of the next egg and the little girl that> brought it bragged that the butterfly was hers, and how it had> came from a cocoon, symbolizing new life. The teacher agreed> again.> > The fourth egg was empty. The teacher knew this had to be> Steven's egg, and she nervously set it aside, hoping he> wouldn't notice.> > As she began to pick up a different egg, Steven excitedly> announced that the empty egg was his! Hesitating, the teacher> replied, "But it's empty!"> > "That's right," said Steven. "Just like Jesus' tomb was, and> that means new life for everyone!" The teacher was amazed at> Steven's insight and his love for Jesus.> > Later on, at the end of the school year, Steven's condition> worsened and he died.> > At his funeral, the children from his class each placed an> empty Easter egg among the flowers. Many of the adults at> Steven's funeral were puzzled by the appearance of all the> eggs, and the message Steven shared with his classmates was> shared again!> > An empty tomb some two thousand years earlier gave Steven the> hope of a new life! Although the flowers were beautiful, it> was the empty eggs that shared the message of hope in Eternal> Life through Jesus Christ!> > What a wonderful message to share this Easter with those you> love.> > "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not> here; He is risen!"? Luke 24:5 NIV> > ~
"The most important of life's battles is the one we fight daily in the silent chambers of the soul."

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