Saturday, February 03, 2007

I visited the place...

My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. - Isaiah 32:18
I visited the place,

where as a youngster I romped.

I looked for a sign

of those carefree joys we shared,

as children, yet

no sign,

only memories,

haunting, poingnant.

My loved ones, all gone,

their footprints, upon my heart,

their voices yet ringing out,

their love, still present, heavy upon me,

their presence though transparent,

so visible in my heart.

My mind, my heart, my soul,

never to depart, or deminish.

The homeplace, is there, crumbling,

but majestic still,

a childish haven.

My Mother's arms,

her warm voice.

My Father's sterness,

his very nature,

sincerity, protection.

Brothers, Sisters-

The then, confusion,

so mind treasured now as precious experiences.


James Gargus
Key Search Words:Christianity, Bible, Jesus, Angels, Soul Searching, God, Holy Spirit, Doves, Love, Children, Heaven

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