Friday, April 06, 2007


Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Psalms 51:10

Each, 1st Sunday represents, a new month, or the start or beginning thereof, in the sense, that we view this occasion as the re-dedication, of our lives in the service of The Lord. In other words, our correction or realignment of our priorities toward our fellow man-

Our lives are always or should be at the growing edge. That is our strength, our resolves, always keenly aware of the needs of others. And at the peak of our ambition, sometimes, in fact oft times of sacrificial, so that we minister to the needs of others before we, ourselves are recognized-

So in order to do so- we must mortify above problems if we be so incumbered.


James Gargus
Key Search Words:Christianity, Bible, Jesus, Angels, Soul Searching, God, Holy Spirit, Doves, Love, Children, Heaven

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