Saturday, October 14, 2006


For one whole month my mother stayed by my father's side in the hospital in Memphis.She kept the vigil by his bedside. Day and night without fail she would not leave even to go get something to eat. We would go bring her something to eat, but at times when he wouldn't eat nor would she. This was a time when I watched her shine the most. Like my sister, Bonita, said she had never seen such devotion before. My mother shaved, washed, feed , and held his hand to the end of his life. He took his last breath with her by his side. He looked up at her one day and said,"Lou, you are so good to me." She looked back at him and replied,"I have been beside you for 38 years and I'll continue to be by your side." It was like this until he passed,and it seemed some how part of her left when he did. She had blessed assurance,even from him, that she would see him again one day with our Lord, but it was still hard.

Then one night, several months later, she was sleeping to be awaken by a sudden light. She awakened to find someone touching her shoulder just like he always did when she was troubled. She opened her eyes very slowly only to see him staring at her. He had the most wonderful light around him. It was a shock to her. She jumped out of bed to her feet. The pain of a broke foot in a cast, she had recently hurt, shot through her leg. She knew that she was awake from the pain. He spoke and said," I see that your having a hard time without me." He moved back a little bit. "Jim, is that you?" she said. "I had to go. I didn't want to leave you, but I'll always be with you." He moved back toward the bathroom and slowly disappeared. "Don't go," she pleaded. But he was gone. She cried for awhile longing for him as a widow does. She came and told me the story. Just one of many stories as I continue my soul searching of myself.
Lance Gargus

Key Search Words:Christianity, Bible, Jesus, Angels, Soul Searching, God, Holy Spirit, Doves, Love, Children, Heaven

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