Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.Luke 20:36
This is a letter that my father wrote to his seven children before his passing. I think of it as a love letter. A father's love never stops for his children, no matter how tall, how old, or how far away they are. He continues to watch over us, even from a distance as far as heaven. Here is his letter....Dear Children,
I love all of you;
As I write this my heart is somewhat burdened as I look back and realize how many times I have been selfish and let you down, when I could have been alot more compassionate and understanding in spite of a Father' s euphemistic desire for the very best in his children.
It was very foolish for me to expect more from you than you saw exemplified by your very unwise Father, yet, I lived in this shroud of euphemism, a fanciful world of my own, sometimes in a world of self-pity, sometimes in a world of self-incrimination.
My life became a bit cloudy after certain events came about.
Things changed, priorities kind of flip-flopped, and I had great difficulty keeping my balance to the point I could function with any degree of reality with any goal or future at heart, or as a foundation upon which I could base, my base of fundamental values and hold my course that would guide me in this sea of muddled confusion.
But, all in all, I'm very proud of you.
I'm happy to have been your father and pleased that you have shown me love.
Keep true to your values, and I pray they are of good moral healthy ones.
I don't know what the future holds, nor do I wish to, but, I have no desire to pursue any project but the short span I have, with Christ's help.
I fear not passing, I just hope some how, some way, I have helped each of you in a way or ways that may entrench you in a course of consistency toward a very happy and successful journey through life.
My witness of my church life and experience with its function remain ever steadfast, even tho, I neglected for several years the graces it offered, even knowing the wonderful satisfaction of the protection of God's own umbrella of peace and guidance; but thank God I awoke in time to clasp his Holy Hand and reclaim my heritage that my precious mother embraced.
My children have been a constant source of comfort and shared love.
In life you stumble but, God will lift you up.
Keep the faith, don't sell your spiritual life for numbers and popularity.
You guys have had the innocent pure love I so desperately needed.
At times in my life I cried out to God, you have come and put your arms around me.
Thanks, thanks, I love you so.
Ya'll were my buoy in my sea of turmoil.
Always be my children, with a big heart.I know your lives has had its bumps and lumps and I have suffered with you.
Thanks for being my children.I love you very much.
Whatever I was able to pass on to you or teach may you remember them.
Keep your values as eternal ones.
Isn't that like a stubborn father wishing the best for his children?
Your lives have been one of deprivation and depression, disappointment and tragedy.
My heart has broken for you, not only in prayer but in misery in being unable to help you, even at time I really neglected you to my sorrow.
You pretend to be tough and not care but I see your hearts.I've prayed,oh, so very much, with tears for my children.
James Gargus, My Father
Holy Spirit,Doves,Love,Children,Heaven