Monday, January 18, 2016

Scarred Hands

My father's hands looked like this often. He sacrificed unselfishlessly to keep the whole family fed. I thanked my dad before he died for all the hard work he did for me. I expressed the gratitude I felt for giving up his personal well being and comfort to put a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my belly.How he gave up his youth by years and decades of thankless work. I told him," Thank you. And I love you for all this you did and more." I looked at the man's... hands and I cried. Looking at every scar work for me had put there and every bit of age place there by me. The nights I needlessly worried him into the late night hours. Callouses show that a man loved someone enough to sacrifice his own body like Christ did for the benefit of others. Until the time comes you are no longer to hold those hands that loved you so tenderly through your formative years. The strength of hard work in the grip that held yours so fimrly is gone. Remember! Before the day comes and you regret you can't tellhim. I pray you had a earthly father like that but if not you have a Heavenly Father like that with nailscar marks in His hands sacrificed for U!
"The most important of life's battles is the one we fight daily in the silent chambers of the soul."

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